

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Danger of infection respiratory tract

         One disease that affects many people are ARI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) is an acute infection include upper respiratory tract infections and acute lower respiratory tract. ISPA is a disease that affects most children, both in developing countries and in developed countries and many of them need to be hospitalized because of illness is quite serious. Respiratory diseases in infancy and children can also give up on disability, adulthood. We found an association with the occurrence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
          ISPA is still an important health problem because it causes the death of infants and toddlers are high enough that roughly 1 of the 4 deaths that occurred. Each child is estimated to have 3-6 episodes of ARI every year. 40% -60% of visits at the clinic is by respiratory disease. Of all deaths due to ARI accounted for 20% -30%. Mortality is generally greatest for pneumonia in infants aged less than 2 months.

          Until now severe ARI mortality remains very high. Deaths often caused because people come for treatment in severe circumstances. Pneumonia morbidity data in Indonesia per year ranged between 10 -20% of the population under five. This is supported by research data in the field (Karachi District, NTB was 17.8%; Indramayu District is 9.8%). If we take a morbidity of 10% per year, this means that every year the number of patients with pneumonia in Indonesia ranges from 2.3 million. Patients who reported both from the hospital and from health centers in 1991 only amounted to 98 271. It is estimated that half of patients with pneumonia acquired in the age group 0-6 months.
dangers of alcohol

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